Hee~ey! Speaking before you through this blog post is Jericson Real. Name, Jericson Real; Fifteen years old, male; Blood color, red. I am an avid fan of Naniwa Danshi (なにわ男子) and my oshi is Ryuche (大西流星), I also like watching J-drama and listening to J-pop, I can also speak a bit of Japanese. This is probably my second time saying it but deep in my heart, I also like going to school. Many people have described me as being a loud person 🗣, well I can say that is true. In fact, last school year, our section was reported for being too loud, I was shouting at that time, according to a witness report (or listener report, in this case), my voice can be heard as far as the Senior High School building, which is approximately 70 meters away from our classroom at the New Filipino building; that is how loud I can be.
Now let’s dive in deeper into the sea which is me. I was actually from San Juan City, but when I was eight years old, we moved to Vigan City, where I currently reside as of writing this blog post. I really miss the childhood I had in San Juan City; the paper puppets I used to make, the little comic strips I used to draw, the laughter we always had when we played at the school yard; all of them and the remainder of memories in my hippocampus will be cherished beyond the horizons of time.
I am afraid of what the future holds, for a lot of reasons. I make mistakes every now and then but sometimes, a mistake becomes a lifelong regret, something that makes you lose a precious thing or person, something that makes you embarrassed when you suddenly remember it, or something that makes your fragile heart wrench even in the time of joy. I am also unprepared, I haven’t even chosen what career path I’d take, y’know choosing one career out of a bunch of others is making me feel like my mom when we go shopping except I’ve taken a lot of years thinking of what career I should choose; I get told a lot that I have to choose a career path before I go to Senior High because it’s hard to change course when you’re already there and oh my god, does it aggravate my fear of the future. I am also scared of this “real world” they’ve been telling me that I’ll face when I become an adult, they say it’s harsh, cruel, and unforgiving; Sometimes, I think of this but then when I remember the words uttered by that certain someone, I get encouraged to be brave and face that real world they’ve been talking about; Real world, lol.
I don’t talk about this a lot but I think I might have separation anxiety, I didn’t really notice it until that certain someone told me about it, I thought it was just a quirk of mine. I really don’t like the idea of separating with someone, and when I think about it, it might be because of that time when I transferred schools from San Juan City to Vigan City, which came really sudden, everything and everyone I knew was gone and for everything I know, I’ll probably never be able to see them again, quite cruel innit?
This life of mine can be described as a sea of colors, a chaotic splash of colors, but then, the deeper you get, the less light penetrates the sea. No matter how colorful the water is, when no light can anymore penetrate the depths of the sea, every color that you used to see on the surface will seem to have become pitch-dark already, different from what you saw on the surface.
Once again, speaking before you through this blog post is Jericson Real. An avid fan of Naniwa Danshi, a J-drama watcher, J-pop listener, a Japanese language learner, and a human loudspeaker.
Let’s all work hard and reach our dreams! 🦖
Thank you for stretching your attention span long enough to read until the very end. 🧡
REFERENCE/S: Efford, M. (2015). Coastal Dreamscape #1: Violet Resonance [Giclee Fine Art Print]. Mike Efford. https://www.mikeefford.com/project/coastal-dreamscape-1-violet-resonance/
I find it amazing how you managed to describe your life a sea of colors. Thank you for this colorful, yet informative piece!
ReplyDeleteThank you too for reading my first ever blog entry! I look forward to further interaction between us two! :)
DeleteThis is astonishing! I love the way how you described yourself. Keep it up!
ReplyDeleteI surely will! Thank you for reading my blog entry! Don't forget to answer my question at your blog post! :P
DeleteKnowing something about you is nice. I'm in awe of your words and your writing is amazing. Keep it up!
ReplyDeleteHaving someone in awe of a piece I have written overfills my heart with joy. Thank you for reading my blog entry! I look forward to further interaction between us two in the future!
Deleteyour writing really amaze me.
ReplyDeleteTo have my writing be a cause of someone's amazement drives me to write more. Thank you for reading my blog entry! I would be anticipating for your next blog post. I look forward to interacting with you more in the future!
DeleteI'm glad to have been and hope to continue to be a part of your journey. Salutations, friend